Workhorse Clipped Horseshoes
The Workhorse horseshoe, available as clipped and unclipped, is a traditional horseshoe that goes back to Royal Kerckhaert’s roots and their very first horseshoes.
It provides the horse with the protection and support it needs and features an Olympic clip® system, known for its strength and solidity at the base with sufficient resistance to the pressure put on the clip.
This steel horseshoe model is designed to give optimal support and protection and ensures a good fit that requires only minimal adjustments during the shoeing period.
The sturdy, patented Olympic clip® is known for its resilience and firmness at the base. The hind shoe with toe or side clips in sections 28×12 – 32×12 and 35×12 also shows Kerckhaert’s familiar asymmetrical approach.
View all other horseshoes from Royal Kerckhaert.