Kings Plate Extra Sound Unclipped (ES) Horseshoes
Kings Plate Extra Sound Unclipped (ES) horseshoes offer a slightly different design compared to their clipped counterparts. Unclipped shoes have a solid, continuous toe and branches without any sections removed.
These shoes are often preferred for horses that require extra support and protection for their hooves, particularly in disciplines that involve high-impact and demanding work.
The solid toe provides enhanced protection, making them well-suited for horses engaged in activities such as eventing, hunting, and farm work. They offer excellent traction and are known for their reliability and longevity.
View all other horseshoes from Royal Kerckhaert.
Royal Kerckhaert Horseshoes
At Colesdale, we are proud to have forged a strong partnership with Royal Kerckhaert over the past two decades. As trailblazers in our field, we were the first business to introduce Kerckhaert horseshoes and tools to South Africa over two decades ago.
This partnership has enabled local horse owners and farriers to access one of the best horseshoe brands in the business.
Just like Kerckhaert, Colesdale is a family-owned business with a rich history and a commitment to quality, craftsmanship, and innovation. We hope to continue to grow our relationship with this respected company for many decades to come and plan to expand the range we supply SA as we do so.
Royal Kerckhaert Horseshoe Range
We offer a wide range of horseshoe families from Kerckhaert. Each family is uniquely designed with specific features and functions in mind, providing optimal support and comfort for your horses.
We are committed to providing the South African equestrian industry with premium and trusted products. Our extensive selection of Kerckhaert horseshoes and tools reflects that commitment.