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Robbie Miller Review

Robbie Miller reviews horseshoes and nails supplied by Colesdale.

Robbie Miller, a top South African Farrier, is also a director at Miller Forge & Horseshoeing. He is known in the South African horse racing industry as one of the best farriers. He is furthermore a master of his craft whilst also being highly respected by fellow farriers across the globe.

As a top SA farrier, we appreciate his feedback on our product range and the great insights provided in this video.

Robbie Miller – Products

The equestrian products mentioned in his review are the Carrera Secure Race Nails and the Royal Kerckhaert Kings Plate Super Sound shoes.

For more information on these products or to order yours for delivery nationwide, contact our team today!

Royal Kerckhaert Horseshoe Range

Trusted by farriers and horse owners worldwide

In the world of horseshoes, few names resonate as strongly as Royal Kerckhaert. With a rich history spanning several generations, this esteemed company has earned its place as a trusted manufacturer and supplier of horseshoes, trusted by farriers and horse owners worldwide.

The story of Royal Kerckhaert begins over a century ago when it was founded in 1906 by Honoré Kerckhaert, the Royal Kerckhaert Horseshoe Factory has a rich history steeped in craftsmanship and dedication.

At Colesdale, we are proud to have forged a strong partnership with Royal Kerckhaert over the past two decades. As trailblazers in our field, we were the first business to introduce Kerckhaert horseshoes and tools to South Africa over two decades ago.

This partnership has enabled local horse owners and farriers to access one of the best horseshoe brands in the business.

Just like Kerckhaert, Colesdale is a family-owned business with a rich history and a commitment to quality, craftsmanship, and innovation. We hope to continue to grow our relationship with this respected company for many decades to come and plan to expand the range we supply SA as we do so.